Accessing SQL Server on NetBeans using JDBC, Part 3: Troubleshooting

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Accessing SQL Server on NetBeans using JDBC

Accessing SQL Server on NetBeans using JDBC, Part 3: Troubleshooting

This post is the last part which gathers common problems along with solutions about accessing SQL Server using JDBC on NetBeans. By defer posting this a few months, I found many problems that may occur from many people and also solutions. So this post will benefit people who want to develop application to connect a SQL Server using JDBC and have problem with it.

There are 3 parts:

  1. Part I : Create a connection
    This part which you’re reading shows about how to establish a connection between NetBeans and SQL Server. In this example, I use SQL Server 2000 SP4 and NetBeans IDE 5.5
  2. Part II : Perform SQL Operations
    This part show how to perform some basic operations from NetBeans with SQL Server. For instance, send querys as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE to the database.
  3. Part III: Troubleshooting
    The last part is about problems and how to fix them.

Troubleshooting index

  1. Missing the JDBC library
  2. Mistype the connection string
  3. The TCP/IP connection to the host has failed
  4. Login failed for user ‘sa’
  5. This driver is not configured for integrated authentication

  1. Missing the JDBC library

  2. Problem
    You received this error message while compile code in part I.

    Class Not Found Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

    Class Not Found Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

    This problem may have many causes as the following:

  1. The JDBC library file is not loaded properly. You may not have add the library file “sqljdbc.jar” to the project.
  2. You haven’t import the needed library to the project


  1. Add the appropriate library to the project. Refer to part I: create a connection.
    Add sqljdbc.jar to project's library
  2. You need to add following code at the top of thesource code:
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.SQLException;

    Import necessity library
    Or you can

    import java.sql.*;

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  • Mistype the connection string

  • Problem
    You received this error message while compile code in part I.

    SQL Exception: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:sqlserver:\\bkksql2005:1433;databaseName=AdventureWorks;user=sa;password=password;

    SQL Exception: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:sqlserver:\\bkksql2005:1433;databaseName=AdventureWorks;user=sa;password=password;

    You may have typed your connection string incorrectly so the JDBC driver couldn’t understand.

    Recheck your connection string format. The format for SQL authentication mode should be
    “jdbc:sqlserver://serverName:portNumber;databaseName=DatabaseName;user=UserName;password=Password;” where

    • serverName is the name of the SQL Server
    • (Optional) portNumber is the TCP port of SQL Server. Default port is 1433.
    • (Optional) DatabaseName is the database name on SQL Server.
    • UserName and Password are username and password for login to SQL Server. This user must be SQL Server authentication mode.

    The format for Windows authentication mode should be
    “jdbc:sqlserver://serverName:portNumber;databaseName=DatabaseName;integratedSecurity=true;” where

    • serverName is the name of the SQL Server
    • (Optional) portNumber is the TCP port of SQL Server. Default port is 1433.
    • (Optional) DatabaseName is the database name on SQL Server.

    Note: Database name is an optional. For more complex connection string, refer to MSDN – Building the Connection URL at Microsoft.

    In this example, I mistype “jdbc:sqlserver://…” to “jdbc:sqlserver:\\…“.

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  • The TCP/IP connection to the host has failed

  • Problem
    You received this error message while compile code in part I.

    SQL Exception: The TCP/IP connection to the host  has failed. Connection refused: connect

    SQL Exception: The TCP/IP connection to the host has failed. Connection refused: connect

    You try to connect to a SQL Server which has not SQL Server service running or the service refuse to accept remote connections.


    1. Recheck your connection string that you have type server name and port correctly or not.
    2. Check that SQL Server is running.
    3. If SQL Server is on remote host, try to check that you have allow remote connections on the server. To enable remote connections on SQL Server, try visit Enable remote connection to SQL Server 2005 Express.
    4. Check firewall which may block the connection from client to server.

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  • Login failed for user ‘sa’

  • Problem
    You received this error message while compile code in part I.

    SQL Exception: Login failed for user 'sa'.

    SQL Exception: Login failed for user ’sa’.

    This error message states clearly that you have provide wrong username or password that connect to SQL Server.

    Recheck username and password again.

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  • This driver is not configured for integrated authentication

  • Problem
    You need to use Windows authentication mode by using ‘integratedSecurity=true’ instead of specify username and password in the connection string but receive this error message:

    SQL Exception: This driver is not configured for integrated authentication.
    Feb 8, 2008 11:28:55 AM <clinit>
    WARNING: Failed to load the sqljdbc_auth.dll</clinit>

    This driver is not configured for integrated authentication.

    You need to add ‘sqljdbc_auth.dll’ to the system path. This file can be found in Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver. It resides in sqljdbc_1.1\enu\auth\x86 depends on your JDBC driver and system platform (x86 or x64).

    Copy ‘sqljdbc_auth.dll’ to C:\Windows\System32
    You can set the java.library.path to the directory where ‘sqljdbc_auth.dll’ is.
    set java.library.path
    Note: If the path contains any spaces or special characters, you have to use double quotes “” around the value (ex. “your directory”).

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    Series Navigation<< Accessing SQL Server on NetBeans using JDBC, Part 2: Perform SQL Operations


    1. Asma October 15, 2008
    2. linglom October 15, 2008
    3. alex November 26, 2008
    4. linglom November 26, 2008
    5. Suresh January 7, 2009
    6. alex January 15, 2009
    7. linglom January 15, 2009
    8. Vikash May 8, 2009
    9. linglom May 12, 2009
    10. Iturea May 13, 2009
    11. Iturea May 13, 2009
    12. Serhat May 19, 2009
    13. thesti October 12, 2009
    14. linglom October 13, 2009
    15. Luiz Gustavo March 9, 2010
    16. Narendra Singh June 23, 2010
    17. ThankGod July 6, 2010
    18. Ankita November 11, 2010
    19. Frank November 12, 2010
    20. Ankita November 12, 2010
    21. Nuno M January 16, 2011
    22. Ankita January 17, 2011
    23. Akshatha February 15, 2011
    24. Smitha February 23, 2011
    25. Eric March 5, 2011
    26. Mary Cris March 15, 2011
    27. MONY May 23, 2011
    28. Archana Tikole June 18, 2011
    29. mohd farhan July 29, 2011
    30. miky February 7, 2012
    31. cronit64 March 14, 2012
    32. cronit64 March 14, 2012
    33. blessy September 17, 2012
    34. TonyCr October 3, 2012
    35. iftikhar June 10, 2014

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