Accessing MS Access 2007 on NetBeans 6.5 using JDBC, Part 2: Prepare Sample Database

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Accessing MS Access 2007 on NetBeans 6.5 using JDBC

Prepare Sample Database

On this post, I show how to prepare a sample database for Microsoft Access 2007, the “Northwind” database.


  1. Open Microsoft Access 2007, click on Local Templates. If you have Northwind 2007 on Local Templates, click on it and skip to step 4. Otherwise, follow the next step to download one.
    Northwind 2007 on Local Templates
  2. Download Northwind template for Access 2007 from Microsoft – Northwind 2007.
    Download Northwind template for Access 2007
  3. Extract the downloaded file, Then, double-click on 01228997.accdt. Microsoft Office Access 2007 will start.
    Northwind 2007
  4. On Microsoft Access, choose the destination to create a sample Northwind 2007. On this example, I choose “c:\database\Northwind 2007.accdb”. Then, click Create.
    Create sample Northwind database for Microsoft Access 2007
  5. Now the sample Northwind database is created. Click on Navigation Pane on the left side menu.
    Northwind Sample Database
  6. On Navigation Pane, click on Supporting Objects and double-click on Customers. You see data in the Customers table.
    View Sample Data
  7. You also see the sample database file on c:\database\Northwind 2007.accdb which was created on step 4. I will use this path in the later part.
    Northwind 2007.accdb

What’s Next?

Now you have a sample database, Northwind. Next, I will show how to write code to create a connection from NetBeans 6.5 to the Northwind database. See Part 3: Create a Connection.

Series Navigation<< Accessing MS Access 2007 on NetBeans 6.5 using JDBC, Part 1: IntroductionAccessing MS Access 2007 on NetBeans 6.5 using JDBC, Part 3: Create Connection >>

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