Take screenshot on Windows

This article shows 2 methods to take a screenshot on Windows.

  1. Quickly take screenshot to a PNG file on Windows 8/10
    This method takes screenshot of everything on your screen(s) as PNG file and directly save to C:\Users\(user-name)\Pictures\Screenshots folder.
  2. Take screenshot to the clipboard
    This method works on all Windows versions. You can take a screenshot to the clipboard, paste it on an image editor, like Paint, and save it to a file.

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Quickly take screenshot to a PNG file on Windows 8/10

  1. On PC where you want to take a screenshot, press Windows + Print Screen keys to capture a screenshot.
    Note: For laptops, you may have to press Windows + Ctrl + PrtScr or Windows + Fn + PrtScr.
    For tablets (excludes Surface), you have to press Windows + Volume down button.
    For tablet (Surface), you have to press Windows + Fn + Space Bar.
  2. You notice that the screen is dim for a moment and will return back to normal which indicates that it’s taking a screenshot.
    Note: The screen will dim only if you have the Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing option checked in visual effects.
    Screen is dim
  3. You will see screenshot file in C:\Users\(user-name)\Pictures\Screenshots folder.
    Screenshot files

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Take screenshot to the clipboard

  1. On the screen where you want to take a screenshot, press Print Screen key.
  2. Open an image editor, I use Paint in this example. And click Paste.
    Paste screenshot from the clipboard
  3. Modify the screenshot as you want (resize, cropping, highlighting). Then, click Save button, choose where to save file and click OK. Finally, you will have a screenshot file.
    Save screenshot to a file
  4. If you want to take screenshot only the active window, select the window, and press Alt + Print Screen keys.
    Note: For laptops or some device, you may have to press Alt + Fn + PrtScn instead.
  5. Then, paste the image and save it to a file just like the previous method. And you will have the screenshot file.
    Take a screenshot only the active window

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